Articles on: Scripts Description: This script is used to get CSV file which contain all the user in the On-Prem AD and their Manager Script: import-module activedirectory Get-ADUser -Filter -Properties Select name, @ n='Manager';e= (Get-ADUser $.manager).name export-csv "c:export.csv" -NoTypeInformation Updated on: 31/01/2023Few readers## Description:
Articles on: Scripts Description: This script is used to get all Groups, Group Members and save into CSV Script: Install-Module -Name AzureAD Connect-AzureAD Install-Module -Name Msonline Connect-MsolService $OutputFile = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the path and file name for the .csv file eg. C:usersAwaisdesktopfilename.csv" Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -InputObject "Group DisplayName, Group Email, MembeFew readersFind and Replace Multiple Values at Once with VBA Code
Articles on: Scripts If you are tired of find and replace the values time and time again, the following VBA code can help you to replace multiple values with your needed texts at once. Please create your conditions that you want to use which contain the original values and new values. See screenshot: Then hold down the ALT + F11 kFew readersCreate multiple Unified Groups using CSV file
Articles on: Scripts This script is used to create unified groups(For Exchange) using a CSV file This script use CSV file which sould contain the following columns: -DisplayName: Name of the unified group -EmailAddresses: Emails of the Unified Groups -AccessType: Public or Private -Owner: Owner of the Unified Group -Members: Member of the Unified group (please see other article on our how to's section which explains how to add memberFew readersAcommsqadmin@stpud.usDescription:
Articles on: Scripts Acommsqadmin@stpud.usDescription: This script is used to add members to the unified groups using CSV File. The CSV file should contain the following columns: -Identity: Identity parameter specifies the Microsoft 365 Group that you want to modify. (Name, DN, email any one of these which should be unique) -LinkType: The LinkType parameter specifies the Microsoft 365 Group property that you want to modify. (Member, OwneFew readers