Install OMS Agents on VMs
Articles on: OMS
Install OMS Agents on VMs
Sign into the Azure Portal.
In the search bar of the portal, type Log Analytics Workspaces and select it.
In your list of Log Analytics workspaces, select the one that you want to use with the Azure VM.
( readersCreating an Log Analytics Workspace
Articles on: OMS
Creating an Log Analytics Workspace
In the Azure portal, search the list of services in the Marketplace for Log Analytics, and then select Log Analytics.
( readersHow to create a OMS alert
Articles on: OMS
To create an alert rule, you start by creating a log search for the records that should invoke the alert. The Alert button will then be available so you can create and configure the alert rule.
From the OMS Overview page, click Log Search.
Either create a new log search query or select a saved log search.
Click Alert at the top of the page to open the Add Alert Rule screen.
When you provide the time window for the alertFew readersHow to Integrate Log Analytics with SCOM
Articles on: OMS
How to Integrate OMS with SCOM?
In the Operations Manager console, select the Administration workspace.
Expand the Operations Management Suite node and click Connection.
Click the Register to Operations Management Suite link.
On the Operations Management Suite Onboarding Wizard: Authentication page, enter the email address or phone number and password of the administrator account that is associated with your OMS subscriFew readersHow to Integrate SCOM and Log Analytics
Articles on: OMS
In the Operations Manager console, select the Administration workspace.
Expand the Operations Management Suite node and click Connection.
Click the Register to Operations Management Suite link.
On the Operations Management Suite Onboarding Wizard: Authentication page, enter the email address or phone number and pFew readersHow to Install OMS agents ON-Prem
Articles on: OMS
In the OMS portal, on the Overview page, click the Settings tile. Click the Connected Sources tab at the top.