Articles on: Virtual Machine

How to Upload VHD to Windows Azure

Articles on: Virtual Machine

There are many methods to upload a vhd to windows azure from on premises data center.

1) We can use GUI method.

2) We can use PowerShell command to upload VHD to azure.

3) We can use AZ Copy tool to upload a VHD from on premise to azure.

First two methods are extremely slow these methods can take a full day to upload a normal size VHD to azure at an average network speed.

That’s why we are going to third method to upload a VHD from on premises to azure using AZ Copy tool. This tool is Microsoft supported tool and can upload a normal size VHD to azure in two to three hours at normal network speed.

To upload a VHD using AZ Copy please follow the following steps:

1) Go to this Link to download AZ copy.

2) After download AZ copy install it on the machine from which you want to upload vhd to Azure.

3)Now go to azure subscription to which you want to upload VHD.

4)Create a Storage Account

5)Click on Storage Account that you have created and then click on BLOB and create a container by clicking +Container option.

6) Copy the URL of Container and Access Key by Clicking on Access Key.

7) This access key and a container Uri will be used to create AZ Copy Command to move the VHD on Azure.

AzCopy /Source:<"Path of the Disk that you want to Move on Azure> /Dest:<URI of the Container where the VHD will be Uploaded> /DestKey:<Access Key of the Storage Account> /Pattern:"<Name of the VHD that you want to Move>" /BlobType:page

Above is the general command that we will use to upload the VHD.

8)Open the AZ Copy Command line and Execute the command.

Note: It will take time and it will depend upon the size of the DISK.

Updated on: 31/01/2023

Updated on: 01/07/2024

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