Creating an Log Analytics Workspace
Articles on: OMS
In the Azure portal, search the list of services in the Marketplace for Log Analytics, and then select Log Analytics.
Click Create, then select choices for the following items:
Name - Type a name for your workspace.
Subscription - If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the one you want to associate with the new workspace.
Resource group
Pricing tier
Click Create.
Select a workspace to see it's details in the Azure portal.
Updated on: 31/01/2023
Creating an Log Analytics Workspace
In the Azure portal, search the list of services in the Marketplace for Log Analytics, and then select Log Analytics.
Click Create, then select choices for the following items:
Name - Type a name for your workspace.
Subscription - If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the one you want to associate with the new workspace.
Resource group
Pricing tier
Click Create.
Select a workspace to see it's details in the Azure portal.
Updated on: 31/01/2023
Updated on: 01/07/2024
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